We would like to invite you to join the tens of thousands of students in our area and millions world-wide on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019, as they participate in the 29th annual See You at the Pole™ (SYATP). Before school, students will join together at their school’s flagpole to pray for their friends, families, teachers, school, city, state and nation to God. SYATP is a student-initiated, student-organized and student-led event. This year’s SYATP theme is “IF” and the scripture verse is 2 Chronicles 7:14 – “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
“‘IF’ is a small word with big ramifications,” said First Priority Greater Birmingham Ministry Director Debi DeBoer. “It’s a choice for hope; a promise that can’t be broken, but hinges on our obedience to bow our knees to the Lordship of Jesus Christ so that God can pour out his mercy on this generation. ‘IF’ only we were convinced. I believe God can save our families. I believe He can restore relationships. I believe God can define our purpose. I believe God can bring unity and heal our nation. The question is ‘do you?’ The word ‘IF’ has a personal meaning now. Join me in prayer and make your voice count to move the heart of God to see revival now in this day, in this time!”

We hope you will get involved with this year’s SYATP. Visit our Web site HERE for graphics to help you promote this momentous day at your school and in your community. On our Web site, we have also provided information about the Campus Prayer and the SYATP preparation checklist. For additional resources including posters, T-shirts, wristbands and lanyards, visit SYATP.com. Also, on Wednesday morning, First Priority Greater Birmingham President Greg Davis will be on 93.7 WDJC radio’s Call to Prayer show; be sure to tune in!
Please report your attendance numbers and post pictures to social media!
1. Email info@firstpriorityal.com to report how many students attended SYATP at your school.
2. Post your attendance numbers, pictures and videos on social media with the #FPAL. In your post, be sure to list the name of your school.
3. Tag First Priority in your posts @FIRSTPRIORITYAL.
On Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019, make sure your family and community HUMBLE yourselves in PRAYER and SEEK the face of God and take part in one of the LARGEST prayer movements in our nation. GATHER at your school’s flagpole; PRAY for friends, families, teachers, schools and our world.