Become a student leader at your school. Please fill out this commitment form. Our commitment to the you:Our First Priority team will pray for you, communicate with you, listen to you, and equip you with resources and training to help you reach “Every Last One” on your campus.My commitment to First Priority:1. I have a personal relationship with Jesus and display Christ-like character. (Romans 10:9-10; Galatians 5:22-23; 1 Timothy 4:12) 2. I will do my part to help ensure our club is student-led and student-initiated. 3. I will do my part to help ensure our club shares a Biblical-based, salvation message presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ at least once per month with an opportunity for response. 4. I will do my part to help ensure the club follows an approved First Priority strategy to reach “Every Last One” on their campus with the hope of Christ. 5. I will do my part to help ensure everyone attending our club has an opportunity to connect with a local church. 6. I will do my best to regularly attend club and student leadership meetings, as well as actively communicate and coordinate with my student leadership team. 7. I will commit to pray regularly for my campus and submit reports to First Priority if possible.Untitled* I agree to the statements above and commit to serve my First Priority Club Your InformationName* First Last Email* Phone*School Name* Church Name Grade* Signature*ReferenceTo successfully complete your commitment form, you are REQUIRED to have a signature from one of the following: parent, guardian, pastor, or teacher.Name of Adult* First Last Relation*Parent/GuardianPastorTeacherAdult Email*For teachers: Personal emails are preferred as most school accounts will block any requests for approval. Untitled My reference is unavailable for signature. Please send a reference request via email. Reference Signature