What an encouragement it is to know that we are not in this alone! I hope you will take a moment to read the recap from the City-Wide Network Meeting we held in May at the Hoover Met. Youth leaders across the Greater-Birmingham area attended for a time of equipping, encouragement and fellowship. Everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch provided by Chick-fil-A.
Our special guest speaker Evangelist and Author Dave Edwards, brought an inspirational message about “The Invisible Giant of Effective Ministry.” Dave said there is a giant that will rip the joy out of your ministry. “It is easy to be defeated by it,” says Dave. “It is the invisible giant of comparison.” Dave read from Numbers 13 and 14 of the Bible. He told the story about Moses sending Israelite leaders to explore the land of Canaan. When the Israelites returned from the land and reported back to Moses, they said the city was fortified and very large, and the people were powerful and strong. They said they felt like grasshoppers compared to the people they saw. Dave said, “They were comparing themselves.” Dave spent the majority of his message answering the question, “How do we defeat the invisible giant?” He closed by encouraging everyone to pray a simple prayer: “Dear Jesus, no more. I’m not giving away any more time worrying over what I don’t have, but I’m going to focus on what I do have and maximize it.”
Dave was such a source of encouragement to the nearly 100 youth pastors that attended. What was most encouraging to me was seeing the youth pastors there, together. They understand that together we can accomplish “greater things than these.” I want to encourage you to do the same where you are. Work together with those around you. Be a catalyst in bringing your community’s churches, organizations and leaders together. The public school campus provides the common denominator for you to work together. Doctrines do not have to divide if the message of Christ is central. You can communicate a unifying strategy to other pastors and leaders by agreeing that the campuses in your community belong to all of you, not just one church or organization. Collectively, you become stronger than any one individual or organization.
We would like to thank all those who attended and joined us for a great time of growth and fellowship. We would like to give a special thanks to Dave Edwards for an amazing message and words of encouragement.
For more information about First Priority and how you can be a part of its next City-wide Network Meeting, please visit www.gofirstpriority.com or call 205.871.8886.
Matt Wilson
Executive Director
First Priority Greater BirminghamÂ