Check out some great resources below from our friends at ym360!
You don’t need to be reminded of the issues teenagers deal with as they try to live out their faith in a world that’s often opposed to their core beliefs. Navigating these issues can be rough. Teenagers get so many mixed messages; the world says one thing, their friends may say another. And we hope they know enough about their faith to know how to make sense of it all. We hope . . .
The Jesus Studies cut through the confusion, teaching your students a Christ-centered look at the major issues they deal with in their lives.
The Jesus Studies Are Ideal For:
* Sunday Mornings
* Mid-Week Bible Studies
* Discipleship Purposes
* Small Groups
These are no watered-down, topical Bible studies. This is Jesus weighing in on the very issues your students are confronted with on a daily basis. It’s your students learning to see life through the person of Christ.