Watch as students share their hearts about what First Priority means to them and why they believe it’s important to have the club on their campus.
GivingTuesday is just around the corner on November 29, a day that charities, families, churches, businesses and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give to causes they believe in. There’s Black Friday, Cyber Monday and GivingTuesday, which kicks off the charitable season of giving. It’s a simple idea, and we hope you’ll join us and be a part of a global celebration of a new tradition of generosity!
First Priority is passionate about taking the Hope of Christ to every student by equipping this generation of leaders with the truth of the Gospel and sending them to the greatest mission field: their campus. Thank you so much for partnering with us! Your support is very important as we continue to reach 270 public schools across Greater Birmingham, which consist of more than 163,000 students that need to hear how Jesus can change their lives. Can we count on you to continue to invest in this generation?
Did you know that only 12% of teenagers nationwide attend a local church? The last several years have been eye-opening to say the least. Students are struggling with their identity and who they were created to be, even as young as elementary school-aged. Suicide is still the second-leading cause of death amongst teenagers. Students have been isolated, lonely, and full of anxiety and despair. They need our help. According to Barna and other credible ministries, “The Open Generation Project conducted this year in ages 13-17 years, discovered that 47% of all teens believe that Jesus was crucified. However, only 33% say Jesus rose again.” This tells me that half of this generation, which I am called to reach, believe in the crucifixion of Jesus, but what about the other half? What do they believe? And if only ⅓ of students believe in the resurrection, then does Jesus really have the power to change their lives? Yes! We have to give them Jesus. This generation is known as the open generation, which gives me hope that they will be open to hear about the life-changing message of Jesus but only if we show an authentic representation of Him and demonstrate His power at work in our lives. This open generation is also alarming because, like the name, they are open to any and all information and their source may not be the Bible. This study also revealed that 61% of students believe the Holy Scriptures are trustworthy but are skeptical of learning about the Truth from social media. Students are craving relationships. Students need community and personal connections. Students need to be seen and loved. Most importantly, students need Jesus.