Raising up a generation for the Kingdom
Dear Friend,
For the past 25 years, First Priority has worked to see the Hope of Christ in every student across the Greater-Birmingham Area. During this time, we have seen hundreds of thousands of lives transformed for the Kingdom. We thank God for His great power and we give Him all the praise and glory for these changed lives. During the 2015-2016 school year, out of the schools that reported, over 13,210 students attended First Priority and FPKids every week when school was in session; and we are excited to announce that nearly 750 students made a decision for Christ on their school campus. There were countless more salvation decisions at First Priority sponsored events throughout the school year as well. These students were followed-up with to be discipled and become involved with a local church. Wow, God is good!
FPKids was a hit again with nearly 4,000 students in attendance each week. FPKids is a First Priority curriculum for elementary and intermediate schools. Our mission is to reach students with Christ at a younger age.
The public school is the largest mission field in America. Students on our campuses work each week to ensure the Gospel is spread throughout their school. They are unashamed and eager to share their faith and help their friends mature in their relationship with Christ. The desire to see their friends accept the love and message of Jesus Christ is evident in the number of salvations reported for the 2015-2016 school year. While students are reaching students, God is at work shaping lives.
In my 20 years of working with this great ministry, I can tell you that First Priority works and that lives are truly being changed. I am very blessed to have witnessed the incredible transformation of students first-hand. With this movement, all it takes is one student and an entire school and generation can be changed for Christ. God is truly amazing and we know He can do anything. We can’t wait to see how He is going to move in our schools and through our students in the years to come. We hope you will take a moment to check out our full ministry report to learn about all the incredible things God did during the 2015-2016 school year through First Priority.
Keeping Christ The First Priority, Greg Davis |
What amazing things has God done in your school this year?
What amazing things has God done in your school this year? We want to hear from you!
WOW! Can you believe this school year is about to come to a close? It went by so fast! We pray your First Priority club grew over the year and that many lives were changed. We want to hear about those changed lives! It’s that time of year again when we are getting ready to do our First Priority “School Year in Review.” This is a look back at all of our First Priority and FPKids clubs over the school year. We need your help to complete this year’s Review. Please e-mail us the following for your First Priority and/or FPKids club to ashlee@gofirstpriority.com:
– Average weekly attendance and number of salvations/decisions for the 2015-2016 school year
– Pictures of your club, students speaking, praying and living out the HOPE and/or FPKids strategy
– Anything else you’d like to share such as testimonies, student quotes, videos, etc.
Please help us out! We would love to include your pictures and updates in our “School Year in Review.” It will be a great recap of the 2015-2016 school year and you don’t want to miss out! We will be sure to send out the Review once it’s complete.
Please submit all of the above information by Friday, May 6, 2016, to ashlee@gofirstpriority.com. Also, if there will be teacher sponsor or campus coach changes next year, please send that information as well. You may also upload your pictures and videos to our Facebook Page. Thanks for your help!