Take three minutes to watch this incredible testimony from First Priority Student Leader Riley as he shares about how God completely changed his life. “Once I got started with, my journey with First Priority, I immediately knew that it was going to be like my family, and that’s how I found my beloved Christ.”
Dear First Priority Partner,
Thank you so much for your continued partnership in reaching every last student with the Hope of Christ. This generation needs Hope – the assurance that God can do what He says He can do. Students need to know that anxiety, depression and loneliness can be healed in Jesus’ name. As I mentioned before, teenagers are “open” to Christianity but if the Gospel message is not seen and proclaimed to them, how will they know? Trust me, the world is screaming its agenda at them. First Priority clubs have such an incredible opportunity to change this generation. Since school started, 554 students have given their hearts to Jesus Christ. Will you partner with us to make sure Every Last One has a chance to know that Jesus can change their life? He will never abandon them. There is still time to have your gift matched dollar-for-dollar.
If you have already given this holiday season, thank you! I pray that God will richly bless you and your family this Christmas!