What started in just a handful of schools in Central Alabama 30 years ago, not only now touches all 50 states in the U.S. but has reached other parts of the world as well. First Priority Founder Benny Proffitt has worked over the past decade to take the First Priority strategy across the globe. Your support, prayers and influence don’t stop with Greater Birmingham but extend to other countries including Kenya, Uganda, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Haiti, India and more.
At this time, we would like to share some exciting updates with you from First Priority in Kenya. Peter Abungu, First Priority representative in Kenya, recently reported that he and his team had the privilege of training 110 leaders who are part of the Student Counsels in their respective schools. “They are passionate and committed to reach their peers with the Hope of Christ using the First Priority Strategy,” said Peter. “We are excited to be walking alongside them to witness even a greater harvest of souls in 2021!”
In January, First Priority Kenya reported that all schools were back open and 10 of them resumed First Priority gatherings. “The first weekend was powered with joyful students who met at our office for two hour prayers and First Priority interaction sessions that were accompanied by our Brother Conner Floyd,” said First Priority Kenya representative. “We are having a larger number of new students in most schools thus we have chosen this month to train students in their school. By God’s grace, in some schools we prayed with students and we thank God for the 11 students who gave their lives to Christ. Join us as we celebrate the large numbers of students who turned up.”
Peter also recently reported the launch of First Priority in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. See picture below.
We’re excited to share these awesome global updates with you. We appreciate your support and passion to reach students all over the world! For pictures and more updates on First Priority in Kenya, you can follow their Facebook Page here.