As we approach our 33rd year of First Priority, we believe in investing in the community and mobilizing students to share the Hope of Christ on their school campus. As of this past school year, there are 163,814 students in 270 schools across Greater Birmingham and we want to reach Every Last One with the Gospel. We have active clubs in 113 schools reaching almost 6,000 students weekly. Already, we have had 107 salvation decisions reported since August and trained over 340 student leaders.
Join our Race to 100 Challenge!
What if I told you that for just $25 per month a student’s life could be changed forever? Yes, you read that right! That’s a large pizza and an order of bread sticks once a month. We would like to inform you about our Race to 100 campaign. We’re racing to find 100 people to give $25 per month for the next 12 months. That’s $300 a year. Your monthly gift will be used immediately to develop campus ministry for students on their local school campuses. Our goal is to reach every school in 22 school systems across central Alabama; that’s nearly 170,000 students. But, we can’t do this alone, we need your help. Will you prayerfully consider joining our race and giving $25 per month for the next 12 months?
- The largest mission field in the state of Alabama is the public school.
- More students will be equipped to share the Gospel with their peers.
- New resources will be developed to train students with evangelistic tools to share the Gospel.
- New First Priority clubs in middle and high schools will be started across our area.
- We will be able to reach a younger generation by starting new FPKids clubs in elementary schools.
- We will hear more student testimonies of “I came to know Christ through my First Priority club.” For some students, First Priority is the only youth group they are exposed to.
- First Priority’s HOPE Strategy works! Students come to know Christ every month.
- First Priority connects local churches as the body of Christ to build the Kingdom of God.
- A First Priority volunteer will make a difference in the lives of hopeless students.
- You will help students promote See You at the Pole on their local school campuses.
- You will help provide doughnuts, biscuits, pizza, drinks and other incentives for more students to attend club meetings and hear the Gospel.
- Students who respond to the Gospel will continue to be followed-up with by the local church.
For more than 25 years, First Priority has worked with local churches to raise up a generation of students who will choose to make Jesus Christ their First Priority. For years, church leaders have heard the claim that nearly nine out of 10 Christians accept Jesus as their Savior before the age of 18. If that statistic was accurate in the past, it no longer depicts U.S. society. Now Barna says that, “If Jesus is not already part of their lives by the time they leave junior high school, the chance of them accepting Him as their Lord and Savior is very slim (6% to be exact).” That is why we unite the body of Christ with a plan of action to influence the school with the Gospel.
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Nearly 1,700 decisions for Christ at Birmingham Festival of Hope Events
The following is an update from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association on the Birmingham Festival of Hope events. God truly moved and many lives were changed!
- 300 – Church and ministries uniting to participate
- 1,000 – Volunteers, 800 of whom were trained as counselors
- 2,000 – Attendees at the Christian Life and Witness Course and FM419
- 30 – Small groups prepared to follow up with those who made decisions (in addition to hundreds of congregations)
- 22,694 – Cumulative attendees over the three nights at Bartow Arena. The highest attended evening was Sunday (9,878 attending)
- 619 – Total number of spiritual decisions, including:
- 405 – Salvation decisions
- 50 – Assurance of salvation decisions
- 135 – Rededication decisions
- 619 – Total number of spiritual decisions, including:
- 43,658 – Total number of unique web stream visitors (Every evening gathering was presented live on the internet around the world.)
- 100 – Countries in which people watched the web stream
- 934 – Spiritual decisions on the internet stream
- 1,666 – Grand total of spiritual responses (including in the Arena, at the training events and on the Internet).