Dear Friend,
As summer is wrapping up and school is about to start back for a new year, I would like to come to you once again to ask for your help. If you haven’t been able to send a summer gift yet, there’s still time and we could truly use your support!
The current crises across our nation have us all wondering what we can do for the Cause of Christ. Of course, First Priority’s cause is equipping local churches to reach unchurched children and youth in their community schools. We are doing it with amazing success. Click here to read about all the wonderful things God did through First Priority last year in our 2019-2020 School Year Ministry Report.
In order for us to have the resources needed to train and meet the spiritual needs of kids and teens in our local schools, some of our supporters allowed us to begin our typical year-end matching campaign earlier this summer.
This particular summer our training is more difficult than ever before because we are unsure what scenarios a new school year will even bring. We are also incurring costs that we could not have budgeted for to provide training by video and multiple variations of our ministry strategy to meet whatever needs are put before us.
Would you be able to provide a gift now to help us train students and provide the necessary resources for them to reach their campus for Christ? Your gift will be doubled with a matching gift. Your support will help us bring Christ to a Crisis in our local schools at this most urgent time.

In closing, let me assure you that other groups and movements are recruiting kids in our schools to their causes. There are many out there that you would not support with your finances. But the sad truth is that they are often better organized, funded and equipped to advance their agenda than we are as the church. Let’s not let that happen! Please send an urgent gift to help us bring Christ into the Crisis. Thank you for your prayers, time and generosity! I hope to hear from you soon!
God Bless,
Greg Davis
First Priority Greater Birmingham/FPKids