Thursday evening, April 13, was a special night for First Priority student ministries. Not only was it Maundy Thursday, but students from Thompson and Helena High Schools participated in the 4th Annual UNITE event.
“Unite is an event where Christians and non-believers alike can come together to worship the One True God all under one roof,” said Luke Nichols, president of Thompson High School’s First Priority club. “Through worship and messages from qualified speakers, God can reach the ones who have not been saved and give believers a deeper understanding of the Word. Students from different First Priority leadership groups can give/share their testimonies and lead worship, encouraging other students to be brave and either share the Gospel with others or come to know Jesus for themselves. Ultimately, it allows students from schools in the area to come together and worship God while developing relationships with each other.”
At the UNITE event, students worshipped together led by the First Priority leadership teams of both schools. Several students also shared their faith story. Thompson High School First Priority Teacher Sponsor Libby Sevilla shared how God does not waste pain and times of hardships but can use anyone and any situation for His glory. Mya, a local First Priority student, shared her personal story of abandonment having a mom who suffered from Bipolar Disorder and how Jesus rescued her. A local college student shared his story of living through the April 27th tornados and losing everything and how he suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. He explained how someone spent time with him just to listen and share about the personal relationship that Jesus desperately wanted to have with him. So many great stories were shared that night that touched the hearts of all those in attendance.
Ric Callahan, pastor of families from Westwood Baptist Church, shared a message and challenged students to be the salt and light sharing the Gospel by mouth not just witness by our lives and actions based from Matthew 5:13-16. He provided students a way to engage people with the Gospel by sharing the FIRE:
Family – Ask them about their family and where they grew up.
Interests – Ask them what their interests, hobbies, etc. are.
Religion – Ask them where they go to church or do they?
Evangelism – Ask them if you can ask a personal question? Have you asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins and come into your life?
This year’s UNITE event was a huge success and many were blessed by the worship, testimonies and message of encouragement. The students enjoyed the event so much that they want to expand with other schools next year.