We would like to remind you that this Wednesday, September 26, is See You at the Pole™ (SYATP). Tens of thousands of students in our area and millions world-wide will participate in the 22nd annual SYATP. Before school, students will join together at their school’s flagpole to pray for their friends, families, teachers, school, city, state and nation to God. SYATP is a student-initiated, student-organized and student-led event.
We would like to encourage you to get involved and attend a SYATP gathering in your community and join students in prayer. SYATP gatherings will begin at 7 a.m. on Wednesday. Please contact your local First Priority campus coach or faculty sponsor for specific details about the gathering in your area. First Priority can assist you in finding the appropriate contact person. Please call us at 205.871.8886.
Make sure your family and your community CONVERGE together and take part in one of the largest prayer movements in our nation. GATHER at your school flagpole, PRAY for friends, families, teachers, schools and our world. ASK God to reveal who He is to your campus and community. Pray for AWAKENING.