Crumly Chapel Elementary is one of the first FP Kids Clubs we helped start last school year in the Highway 78 area network. The club averages about 200+ kids every Monday morning. I drop in twice a month to help out, and last Monday, October 8, 2012, was one of those days. Apparently, I was supposed to speak but totally forgot about it, so thinking on my feet I put a box on one kid’s head and had the whole gym of students try to lead him in from outside. It was nuts!!!! He was hitting walls, people, gym nets, mats and everything else. It was so funny hearing all the yelling to “TURN RIGHT, GO LEFT, BACK UP, STOP, TURN,” from 200+ kids. I took the box off the student’s head after he was led to the middle of the gym. I asked him what he heard and he said he was confused and couldn’t understand all the voices. I used John 10:27 from the Bible and told students that there are a lot of voices in the world leading them in the wrong direction, but God’s voice is the one we need to hear, the loudest voice, and obey it. (“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me”). So I asked the question: “Who hears Jesus this morning telling them the way?” (John 14:6) “Who’s ready to follow despite all the voices you hear?” At that time, 100+ students stood up and prayed to receive Jesus. I was blown away by it.
It’s amazing to me how God can use the simplest thing to change so many lives. I’m truly humbled and thankful that God used me that Monday morning. I cried most of the way to the office after that and the Holy Spirit spoke to me that morning and said: “Many have tried to dress up the Gospel but it doesn’t need dressing up, it just needs to be simply presented.” That has really challenged me and I hope it speaks to us all.
One Box, One Verse, One Voice, 100 changed forever!
James Cato
Area Director
First Priority Greater Birmingham