We are excited to announce that over the past month during Kah-riss, National Campus Missionary Month, 845 students across the Greater-Birmingham area made a decision to follow Christ. Over 1,700 salvations were reported across the nation. Please rejoice with us as we celebrate these new believers in Christ.
Kah-riss is a focused campus movement during the month of October. The mission is to see students in over 2,700 schools across the U.S. share the love and message of Jesus Christ throughout their school campus. Kah-riss comes from Ephesians 2:8 ~ “For by ‘Grace’ you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” Last year, nearly 600 salvations were reported across the nation. Over 100 of those salvation decisions were made in the Greater-Birmingham area. God is so good!
After 22 years, the ministry of First Priority is still relevant. It still works! But, we need your help. Please help us continue to reach this generation with the Hope of Christ. There are many ways you can get involved. Please prayerfully consider how you can help.
This ministry can never be what God truly wants it to be without consistent prayer. Please pray for our staff, volunteers, faculty sponsors, campus coaches, students and schools.
Share the vision and mission of First Priority within your circle of influence. Pray about who would be blessed and interested to know about and support the mighty work that God is doing on our school campuses.
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Support First Priority financially and help ensure that every student in our area is reached with the love and message of Jesus Christ. The gifts you give in November and December will be instantly DOUBLED. Start giving today! DONATE HERE