Students’ lives are being changed because of
your help! We are excited to announce out of the schools that have reported, nearly 300 students have made a decision for Christ on their school campus this fall semester. There have been countless more salvation decisions at First Priority sponsored events this school year as well. These students have been followed-up with to be discipled and become involved with a local church. Wow, God is good!
First Priority works! Lives are being changed. With this movement, all it takes is one student and an entire school and generation can be changed for Christ. God is truly amazing and we know He can do anything. We can’t wait to see how He is going to move in our schools and through our students during the spring semester 2017.
None of this would be possible without your help! Will you continue your partnership with First Priority and participate in our Victory Matching Challenge? Some friends of First Priority have gotten together to challenge the ministry to raise $100,000 in November and December, and they will match every penny donated. Your gift of $25 will be immediately doubled to $50. Your $100 gift will be matched to make a $200 gift and $250 becomes $500. We hope you will consider giving a gift for our year-end Victory Matching Challenge. We have been doing this campaign for over 15 years and because of the impact it has made we have seen tens of thousands of lives changed. Every gift of love, every prayer, every word of support to a Christian student, faculty sponsor or youth worker means that another student will have the opportunity to hear the life-changing Gospel of Christ! Please prayerfully consider giving a gift for our year-end Victory Matching Challenge. Thank you for helping us share the HOPE of Christ with the next generation through your generous donations!