“Make the greatest jump of your life for Him, I dare you,” said First Priority Area Director Debi DeBoer at Pelham High School’s First Priority club meeting on March 6, 2012. Debi shared with the nearly 25 students in attendance a personal story about when she and her husband decided to move to Colorado to ski. While skiing one day, Debi’s husband Jamie took a risk and jumped off a huge slope. Landing on ice, he was badly injured. “Jamie knew the risks, but he went big,” said Debi.
Debi shared this story to help students understand what Jesus Christ did for us. “He died for us,” said Debi. “He had everything and emptied Himself for us.” Debi asked the students, “What are you risking for God? What is the big thing you are doing to risk everything for Him?” Living for Christ is the greatest adventure; it’s not easy or safe,” said Debi. “Risk it all for Him because He risked it all for us. Go all the way or stay home. Plunge like Jamie did when he went big. Make the greatest jump of your life for Him.”
What are you risking for Him today? Are you risking it all?