Our culture is changing vastly and First Priority is working to change with it. We are getting ready to begin our third year of FPKids, a strategy for churches and parents to partner together around schools to empower elementary and intermediate students to influence their school with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. FPKids is a Christian club that meets on campus before school one morning a week. It’s led by a trained team of parents, church leaders and teacher sponsors. Students engage the Biblical teachings of Jesus in a fresh and dynamic way. Last year, 35 schools and nearly 3,500 students across the Greater-Birmingham Area participated in FPKids. The FPKids strategy focuses on teaching students to know and do what “Jesus Said.” The curriculum consists of four parts that are repeated every month: Read It, See It, Live It, Tell It. Each month, students Read and learn what Jesus Said; they See how His teaching changes them and the marks it leaves on them; they experience real ways to Live out the truth with love; and they encourage each other to Tell others about Jesus. FPKids is taking God’s Word and putting it into action on campus.
We are excited to announce a new FPKids curriculum for clubs that have already completed “Jesus Said.” This new curriculum focuses on the Kingdom because “The Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” God’s Kingdom is the authority of Jesus the Christ over all God’s creation. In his teachings, Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God more than anything else. Students will learn about God’s Kingdom, what they must do to enter God’s Kingdom, and they will learn how to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to their friends.
As with “Jesus Said,” students will learn a different verse from the Bible each month with hand motions. The first verse students will learn as a part of this new curriculum is Matthew 5:3, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.” Jesus wants us to come to him with open hands and open hearts. He wants to give us the free gift of eternal life with him. He wants to be Lord of our lives. We have to put our faith and trust in him. Students will learn all of this and much more! The strategy will remain the same… students will Read It, See It, Live It and Tell It.
We will still implement the “Jesus Said” curriculum with new clubs that are just starting FPKids. We will hold a training in August for both curriculums. Please be on the lookout for details coming soon. If you would like to learn more about FPKids and how you can start a new club in your area, please visit fpkids.club or call 205.871.8886. We look forward to hearing from you!