FP Distinctive: First Priority in a school is student-initiated and student-led
Too many people think that Bibles are not allowed in schools, and that there is no prayer or no talk of spirituality and faith. In fact, students lose none of their first amendment rights when they walk on campus. They can carry, read and give Bibles to other students. They can pray openly, alone or with other students. They can discuss their faith in the classrooms and write papers and presentations including their faith.
First Priority works in schools because of this distinction. We have to raise and equip students to be leaders in their schools. They are missionaries, light and salt. They are the biggest influence to other students. This is a big part of the DNA of the First Priority Vision.
The Liberty Counsel (www.lc.org) announced it “has sponsors for 99,750 copies of the ‘Patriot’s Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools’ — one for literally every public school in America! The vast majority of these Handbooks have already been delivered to principals, vice principals, assistant principals, or other senior administrators, and the few remaining schools will receive this powerful resource within the next few days.” For the full article, please click here.
Take some time to check out www.lc.org and familiarize yourself with its cause and get educated on students’ and teachers’ rights in our schools. First Priority has used Liberty Counsel’s resources in the past. Check them out!
Also, a representative from the Liberty Counsel will be on Priority Talk with Greg Davis Thursday, August 16. Be sure to tune in to 850 AM and 92.5 FM from 8-10 a.m.