Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama Strategy and Prayer Ideas
At First Priority of Alabama, we have designated the month of March our “Students First” promotion. God’s design is that all children have adults in their life to encourage, mentor and pray for them. In other words, our children come first. It is their needs and battles that must concern us before we consider our wants and desires.
Because of this need, First Priority has secured from the Governor a proclamation naming the last Friday of March “Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama.”
How it Began:
At the request of First Priority of Alabama, Governor Bob Riley proclaimed the first statewide Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama in 2006. First Priority will once again be coordinating this prayer emphasis encouraged by the recent proclamation of our current governor, Dr. Robert Bentley. Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama is always the last Friday in March.
First Priority coordinates hundreds of local school Christian campus clubs. First Priority is encouraging Alabamians to pray for students as they are faced with challenges such as peer pressure to abuse drugs and alcohol, negative influences in the media, school violence and gang activities, fear and low self-esteem. We would like to encourage you to pray over students and faculty across the state. The following are prayer ideas to get involved and demonstrate your prayerful observance.
Prayer Ideas:
- Teachers are encouraged to meet outside their school before class to pray for their students; just like students do for “See you at the Pole” each fall.
- Churches may host a prayer chain, having people praying continuously in their sanctuary from 8 a.m.-3 p.m., the hours of school. This can be done on Friday only or every day that week.
- Make black and red ribbons for lapels and car antennas to hand out in promotion of the upcoming Day of Prayer.
- Parents are encouraged to drive by their child’s school on March 30th and say a prayer from their car for all students, teachers and administration.
- Use a Phone Tree on March 30th to remind church members to pray.
- A Great Idea: Send a note, e-mail or text message to a student that day to let them know you are praying for them. You can do the same for all your children’s teachers.
- Organize a Prayer Walk around, in front of or across the school grounds. You must have the school principal’s approval for any such event on school grounds. Several groups have done this in the past.
- Become a Prayer Zone Partner and encourage others in your church and community to do the same. Every time you pass a school, pray over the school and turn the School Zone into a Prayer Zone. Contact First Priority for details and resources.
- Plan a 24-hour prayer vigil with your church members.
- Contact the principals of your local schools to let them know you are praying for their schools. Ask for a list of faculty members so that you can pray for each of them by name.
First Priority is about reaching every student on every campus in every community across our state. For more information and “Day of Prayer” resources, visit, e-mail or call 205.871.8886. You can also join our E-prayer Network by sending your e-mail address to