On Friday, March 29, thousands of Alabamians took time to pray for students, teachers, school administrators and support staff across the state in observance of Governor Dr. Robert Bentley’s proclamation: “Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama.” Adults were involved with public prayer events to show students in Alabama their prayerful support. Many participated in prayer walks and gatherings held at local schools to pray over students. Local churches opened their doors for people to pray and also held 24-hour prayer vigils. And, some parents attended First Priority Club Meetings to pray over students.
“Day of prayer over students this year was a very special time for many local churches and community leaders,” said First Priority Area Director James Cato. “Local groups rallied at schools and churches to spend the day praying over students.” James said several local churches including Church 29:11, The Overflow Church and Pleasant Grove First Baptist Church opened as early as 7 a.m. as prayer zones. Along with the prayer zones held at churches, several area groups drove to local schools including Bottenfield Middle, Corner Middle, Mortimer Jordan High and Hueytown High to pray over students. Along with these kick-off schools, each area group took time to stop and pray over several other schools in each area. “I’m blessed to work and minister alongside such a dedicated group of men and woman,” said James. “When the call goes out to pray, they truly pray. How do I know this? Because when they pray, things happen. Thank you to all of you who took time to pray on Friday. The Alabama state day of prayer over students was a success and the fruit of those prayers will be seen and felt for the rest of the year.”
First Priority Area Director Debi DeBoer said many participated in demonstrating observance of Day of Prayer at Oak Mountain Intermediate School. “We had students, youth pastors and parents gather in the school gym to cover students in prayer,” said Debi. Students from Oak Mountain High School that have been mentoring students at Oak Mountain Intermediate School went to the Intermediate School to pray over students. Parents and other adults also joined in praying over students. “It truly blessed my heart to see these teenagers give up their time to go pray for fourth and fifth graders,” said Debi.
We would like to give a special thanks to Moms in Prayer for partnering with us during this prayer emphasis. We would like to thank our friends at 93.7 WDJC Radio for continuous coverage on Day of Prayer. We would also like to thank the T.V. and radio stations, local newspapers, churches, and concerned parents and adults who helped us create awareness about this special and important day. Please find below media highlights from Day of Prayer.
Students need our prayers every day. Praying for the students in our area is not just a privilege…it is a necessity. Students live in a tough world! Each day students are subjected to literally thousands of offensive images and words. They also face an enormous amount of peer pressure to become part of what is considered normal by the world’s standards. Without prayer these students will not be able to stand against the insurmountable odds they will face from childhood until they leave this world. Please do your part and pray over students and encourage them to be bold and share the message of Jesus Christ with other students. Below is a link to 24 Biblical virtues. Please pray these virtues over students when you remember them in prayer.
Click here for 24 Biblical Virtues to pray over students
See the media highlights below from “Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama.”
Talk of Alabama Video Interview
ABC 3340 Video and News Coverage
NBC 13 Video and News Coverage