We have a wonderful opportunity to place a Bible in the hands of every First Priority student leader so they can effectively share the Gospel on their school campus, but we need your help! Would you be willing to purchase Bibles for students to have on campus? You can buy 10 Bibles for $25, 20 Bibles for $50, 30 Bibles for $75, 50 Bibles for $125, or make a general donation to buy more Bibles. The First Priority Bible includes the following inserts: Plan of Salvation, Campus Prayer Guide, First Priority Club Leader Guide, HOPE Cycle, New Believer Bible Study, and Gospel Bible Study.
We would love to be able to place a Bible in the hands of student leaders and new believers; will you help us today? We also desire to give a Bible to every student that attends our 2018 Leader’s Summit. Please help us continue to reach students on the public school campus with the hope of Christ by sponsoring Bibles. First Priority will distribute the Bibles to students. You can click below to sponsor online or you may send a check to: First Priority of Alabama, P.O. Box 59365, Birmingham, AL 35259. Please note “Bibles” in the memo line. Thank you for your consideration and support!