The last Friday of this month, March 25, will be the Sixth Annual Statewide Day of Prayer Over Students. At the request of First Priority, Governor Bob Riley proclaimed the First Statewide Day of Prayer over Students in 2006. Since then, untold thousands of adults have been involved in both private and public prayer opportunities in spiritual support of students in Alabama. First Priority will once again be coordinating this prayer emphasis encouraged by the recent proclamation of our new governor, Dr. Robert Bentley.
Part of the emphasis will include a media blitz the week of this special day. WDJC Radio, 93.7 FM, will provide on-air promotion and coverage. If your church or community is planning a special event, please inform us so we can use the media to help get the word out. Expect other radio, television and print coverage highlighting this special call to intercession for our students. If you or your church have a corporate plan in place and a gathering point for people to pray, then you may very well see new people join in at the last minute because of the media.
Some communities plan to have specific times of prayer strategically near or at each of the schools in their area. While we know that many adults like yourself will want to have corporate prayer opportunities we know that this is not the real success of this emphasis. The real success of this “Day of Prayer Over Students” will be in the homes of people like us. It will be a great day to take time to pray for your kids before they head out the door for school. Our hope is that you will start a new habit in your home, community or church of consistently lifting up the needs of today’s students.
For more information or ideas about how to get your church and community involved, log on to or call 205.871.8886. You can also join our E-prayer network by sending your e-mail address to Below is a link to Day of Prayer resources. Click on the link for the following resources that will help you as you begin preparing for this important day:
– Bulletin Insert;
– Multi-media PowerPoint Slide;
– Video; and
– Signed Proclamation By Gov. Dr. Robert Bentley.
We hope you will take the time to check-out and use these valuable Day of Prayer resources.
Greg Davis
First Priority Greater Birmingham
Click here for Day of Prayer Resources