We always love to hear stories about how FPKids and First Priority is making a difference in students’ lives. God is at work in our schools. Recently, we have heard two stories from parents of Greystone Elementary School students about the impact being made in their school.
“I would like to thank you all for the investment you are making in our children for the Kingdom,” said Laurie, Greystone Elementary School parent. “God did something so beautiful this past Sunday in church. My daughter was in the service with me and our pastor was sharing from Matthew 5:43-48 of the Bible where it talks about loving your enemies. My daughter said, ‘Wait a minute, that’s Luke 6:27-28.’ She quickly turned to it in her Bible where she had underlined it on her own and written First Priority above it! I almost started bawling like a baby in the middle of church! She has hidden His Words in her heart because of you, and she OWNS THEM! Love you all, and can’t thank you enough for the difference you are making!”
“I was at the ballpark the other day and a kid I didn’t think I knew came right up and asked if I was in First Priority,” said Amy, Greystone Elementary parent. “I instantly felt connected and we had such a grown-up chat, just brother-to-sister at the ballpark. Then today at aftercare, a 3rd grade boy asked who would be leading FPKids next year, and I explained that we’re praying about that now, and HE said he would go home and ask his MOM because he knows she has Fridays off from work!”
“Those two conversations reminded me of the impact God is stirring for His kingdom all around us at Greystone Elementary. It warms my heart to have participated with you guys in this ‘Big Thing’ this year. I’m looking forward to our sophomore year of FPKids at Greystone Elementary School!”
We hear stories just like these every week from our different FPKids and First Priority clubs. Would you like to join this Gospel movement and help start an FPKids club in your area? It’s simple, just call 205.871.8886. With your help, we can reach even more elementary and intermediate schools across the Greater-Birmingham area. Call us today!