Our friends from Briarwood Presbyterian Church would like to invite you to the “Getting to the Heart of Parenting” conference with Paul David Tripp. The conference will cover parenting from birth to 18 year-olds. Paul David Tripp speaks to the heart of parenting with practical, Gospel-Centered insight. As he explains, parenting is much deeper than rules and regulations. A biblical perspective teaches that parenting is all about the exposure and change of a child’s heart. Paul has authored 14 books including “Age of Opportunity” and “Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands.”
The conference will be held in the Worship Center at Briarwood Presbyterian Church. The cost is $10 per couple or single. Childcare will be provided for children ages two years old to sixth grade. Spots are limited for Childcare!
Visit www.heartofparenting.org
“This conference was a blessing and encouragement to our church body. Paul speaks to what is needed and necessary for parenting and discipleship…”
– Matt Chandler and Josh Patterson, The Village Church, Dallas, TX