Next Wednesday, September 28, tens of thousands of students in our area and millions world-wide will participate in the 21st annual See You at the Pole™ (SYATP). Before school, students will join together at their school’s flagpole to pray for their friends, families, teachers, school, city, state and nation to God. SYATP is a student-initiated, student-organized and student-led event.
This year’s SYATP theme is “Converge,” a promise from Scripture. “Whenever two or three of you come together in my name, I am there with you” ~ Matthew 18:20. This simple verse is a comforting and encouraging promise from Jesus Himself that helps us to know He is always with us. When we gather and agree together, placing Him first, He is there. And, when God and His people converge for prayer, lives change!
On Wednesday, September 28, 2011, make sure your family and your community “CONVERGE” together and take part in one of the largest prayer movements in our nation. GATHER at your school flagpole, PRAY for friends, families, teachers, schools and our world. ASK God to reveal who He is to your campus. Pray for AWAKENING.
We have See You at the Pole posters available. Pictured above, these posters have room to write on them and are great for announcing SYATP meeting times and community SYATP rallies. Contact your local First Priority Area Director or our office at 205.871.8886 or send an e-mail to to get your posters today!
Be sure to attend one of the many local SYATP rallies. Click here for a complete listing of rallies.
For more information about See You at the Pole, click here