“First Priority has helped me realize that it is okay to stand firm and stand up for God every step of my day,” said Lauren Hughes, Fultondale High School student and First Priority Leader. Lauren has been a member of First Priority for the past five years. According to Lauren’s Youth Pastor and First Priority Campus Coach Micah Dormann, Lauren was one of the first students at the school to ever get involved with First Priority.
“When I moved to the Gardendale/Fultondale area in the Fall of 2010, I immediately got connected with First Priority,” said Micah (pictured above with Lauren). “Lauren invited me to be a part of the First Priority club at Fultondale. As soon as I got there I began to see God moving in these students and began to ask around how they got to this point. Lauren, being herself, would never take any of the credit but the teachers around the school made it very clear to me that Lauren played a huge role in the development of the club at Fultondale. For the first year or so there was an average attendance of about one and a half, Lauren and a random kid who would show up. But as time went on, Lauren continued to invite friends and those friends would invite friends and the club now has an average attendance of 50+. Of a student body of about 350, I am proud to be a part of this club and more importantly the movement of God at Fultondale High School. Lauren is a great leader and I am blessed to see how God uses her and how God is moving in her life!”
Among being involved with First Priority at Fultondale High School, Lauren is also the Student Government Association president, class president and member of the guard team, Scholar’s Bowl team, Science Olympiad teams, All-County Choirs and All-State Choirs. Lauren also takes dance classes, piano (11th year) and she is a part of the youth praise band at her church. Lauren is a volunteer at Life Care Hospice as well.
Lauren recently opened up to us about how First Priority has changed her life and how it has impacted her school. Lauren took time to share the following with us:
First Priority: Are you a leader in First Priority? If so, how long have you been a leader? What are your responsibilities as a leader?
Lauren: Yes, I am a leader in First Priority. I hate saying that because I don’t like to draw attention to myself, but yes I am. I probably started stepping up big time in the ninth grade, so this is my third year to lead. When the club wasn’t growing, I decided to work with youth pastors and other students here to do something about it. As a leader, I am the one who lines-up the speaker each week. I give roles to other members to speak, lead music and be responsible for the prayer jar. I speak myself too from time to time. I also try to inform the club of any announcements that need to be made. We have an AMAZING group of students at FHS that have come alongside me to be leaders as well. We all work together to spread the word of God!
First Priority: What makes you standout in First Priority?
Lauren: Oh wow! I don’t like this question because I have to “brag” about myself and I like to keep things humble! Ha ha! If I had to answer, I would probably say my dedication to keeping the club going and having a Godly girl attitude while doing it.
First Priority: Why do you have a passion for First Priority and believe in it?
Lauren: I believe that high school is a tough time for some students! Every day you are around negative things that you must rise above! I think of school as my mission field and try to spread God’s love to others when walking the halls! I have a passion for First Priority because when we realize that we can all come together and keep each other accountable, we start to show God’s love more!! I especially love First Priority because I get a chance to show the younger kids what it is like to live for God!
First Priority: How has First Priority changed your life?
Lauren: First Priority has helped me realize that it is okay to stand firm and stand up for God every step of my day! I have always done that, but having my “First Priority friends” at school encourages me to do it even more!
First Priority: Do you believe First Priority is effective on your campus? Why/How?
Lauren: Yes!! Even though people may not voice the fact that it is effective, I feel like the members of First Priority have created a little family and are spreading God’s light little by little to other students at FHS!
First Priority: What are specific things your First Priority club has done on campus to reach students for Christ?
Lauren: Something cool we did this year was put bible verses on sports team members’ lockers before a big game! This let the members know that we were thinking about them and praying for them! It was just a little bit of encouragement!
First Priority: How is First Priority changing lives on your campus?
Lauren: I would say that First Priority presents a positive air on our campus! It allows people to know that they have students on this campus that are willing to pray for them! (Students do randomly ask for prayer from a member every once in a while)!
First Priority: Have you witnessed friends and other students come to know Christ through First Priority?
Lauren: I haven’t witnessed any big coming to Christ by anyone, but I can say I have watched students’ relationship with Christ strengthen and grow! Students who seemed ashamed to stand up for God are now sharing faith in little ways throughout the day!
We would like to thank Lauren for opening up and sharing with us what First Priority has done in her life. We are very encouraged and inspired by Lauren’s story and know that there are many students out there, like Lauren, who view their school as a mission field and seek to reach their campus for Christ.
Lauren has also been selected out of a group of First Priority students in the North Network to lead the prayer at the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, May 3, 2012, for National Day of Prayer.
“I would like to say one thing to anyone who reads the newsletter,” said Lauren. “Always remember that you are never too young to make a difference! God has a purpose for everyone’s life and we all have a calling. You have four years of high school and you may never see these people again. Make the most out of the time you have with them and as tacky as this may sound…do the 5S: Smile, Stand firm in God, Share your faith, and Shine the light!”