FPKids share Christ’s love this Christmas
As we approach the Christmas season, it’s a wonderful time to share about and celebrate the birth of our Hope and Savior Jesus Christ. Luke 2:1-20 will be read and told on hundreds of local school campuses this time of year. Also during this holiday season, many local First Priority and FPKids clubs do special things to celebrate the birth of Jesus and spread Christmas joy.
To show the love of Christ, Warrior Elementary FPKids club decided to do Operation Christmas Child and pack shoeboxes full of toys and necessities that will travel all around the world and be given to children in rural villages and towns. Allyson McCombs, campus coach and teacher sponsor at Warrior Elementary, helped students prepare and wrap boxes to be sent to distribution centers that send the boxes worldwide.
I think we can take a cue from elementary students just like this who see Christmas as more than a time to receive gifts but to give gifts and share the hope of Christ, not just in our local community but all around the world. First Priority and FPKids students have also collected candy to fill Christmas stockings for children in need, sang Christmas carols, held canned-food drives to help local ministries, made cards for teachers to encourage them and served hot chocolate to students. It is a blessing to see students give up their time to show others the love of Christ this Christmas.