Attention First Priority Clubs!!
First Priority is holding a Race to the Cross 5K and One Mile Fun Run on Saturday, Sept. 22, 2012, at Christ Church United Methodist. The vision of First Priority is to see the hope of Christ in every student. The support we receive from this race will help to train and mentor future leaders, provide positive peer groups for students on elementary, intermediate, middle and high school campuses across the area, facilitate school-wide assemblies to fight drug and alcohol abuse, and much more. We need your help to continue reaching your school with the love and message of Jesus Christ! You will be a blessing to us and the important work we do to impact students’ lives.
We would like to invite your First Priority club to participate in a fundraising contest to help raise money for our Race to the Cross fundraiser. The First Priority club that raises the most money will win the contest and receive special music and a guest speaker at its See You at the Pole (SYATP) gathering on the morning of SYATP, Wednesday, September 26. The deadline for fundraising is Friday, September 21, at 12 p.m. The winner will be announced at the Race. Instructions to begin fundraising are below.
We hope your club will participate in our contest! We also encourage your students to participate in the 5K and/or One Mile Fun Run. Registration is now available at If you have any questions setting up your fundraising page, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 205.871.8886 or Please help us continue reaching students with the love and message of Jesus Christ. Start fundraising today!
Instructions for setting up fundraising page:
The following are instructions for creating your fundraising page. It is a simple process that should not take you longer than 20 minutes to complete. You will be all set to fundraise in no time! Should you have any problems setting up your page, please call 205.871.8886 or e-mail
- Copy and paste the following link into your Web browser: You will be taken to First Priority Greater Birmingham’s fundraising Web page. Your page will look a lot like this when it is completed.
- At the top of the page you will see “Become a Fundraiser.” Click on it.
- You will be taken to a log-in page. If you already have an account set-up with, use your current account information to log-in. If you do not already have an Active account, please create one here by clicking on “I do not have a username or password.” You will be taken to a form to complete to set-up an account. Please complete the form and click “Agree and Continue.” You might be asked to log back in with your new account information (E-mail address and password).
- You will now be taken to a page titled “Create Your Fundraising Web Page.” Create a title for your Web page. We recommend using the name of your school (i.e.Davis Middle School’s Fundraising Page). You then need to create a Web address. We recommend using the name of your school here as well. Enter your school name with no spaces in the box provided.
- You are now ready to customize your fundraising page. The first box you will need to fill-in is “Fundraising Page Details.” For your tagline, you may want to use your school or First Priority club motto. You may also like to use, “Every Student, Every Campus, Every Community.” You then need to include a Welcome Message. This is the message that will be displayed on your fundraising page. You may copy and paste the following message but customize it for your school:
School Name/First Priority Club is participating in a contest to raise money for First Priority Greater Birmingham, a local non-profit organization that works to see the hope of Christ in every student across the Greater-Birmingham area. First Priority is holding a Race to the Cross 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run on Saturday, Sept. 22, 2012, and our club is competing in a contest to raise the most money for the race. The money we raise will help to train and mentor future leaders, provide positive peer groups for students on elementary, intermediate, middle and high school campuses across the area, facilitate school-wide assemblies to fight drug and alcohol abuse, and much more. First Priority needs our help to continue reaching students with the love and message of Jesus Christ! And, we need your help to make that possible!
If our First Priority club wins the contest, we will receive a special music performance and guest speaker at our See You at the Pole gathering on Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012. Please help our club win! Most importantly, please make a contribution today and help us help First Priority continue its important work of positively impacting the lives of this generation!
- You may now add an image. You may wish to include a picture of your First Priority Club here. Click on “Upload Images” to upload your picture. Then add a caption for your picture.
- You are now ready to set a fundraising goal. We recommend starting your goal at $500. Students are encouraged to reach out to their family members, neighbors, church and community for support.
- You may now set display formats. How you would like your donations and contributors displayed on your page is up to you.
- You are now ready to preview your fundraising page. Click “Preview” on the bottom-right of the page. If you are happy with your page, click “Save & Finish.” After saving, if you wish to change the layout of your page, click “Change Layout Design” at the top of the page and choose the design that works best for you. If you wish to change the color scheme of your page, click “Set Color Schemes” at the top of the page. You can make layout and color scheme changes after you save your page.
- Once you are happy with your page, you can now begin sending e-mails to potential contributors. Click on “Send Emails” at the top of the page. Follow the instructions for entering e-mail addresses, and then create your message. You may copy and paste the message below but customize it for your school.
School Name/First Priority Club is participating in a contest to raise money for First Priority Greater Birmingham, a local non-profit organization that works to see the hope of Christ in every student across the Greater-Birmingham area. First Priority is holding a Race to the Cross 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run on Saturday, Sept. 22, 2012, and our club is competing in a contest to raise the most money for the race. The money we raise will help to train and mentor future leaders, provide positive peer groups for students on elementary, intermediate, middle and high school campuses across the area, facilitate school-wide assemblies to fight drug and alcohol abuse, and much more. First Priority needs our help to continue reaching students with the love and message of Jesus Christ! And, we need your help to make that possible!
If our First Priority club wins the contest, we will receive a special music performance and guest speaker at our See You at the Pole gathering on Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012. Please help our club win! Most importantly, please make a contribution today and help us help First Priority continue its important work of positively impacting the lives of this generation! If you cannot make a contribution but would like to participate in the 5K or One Mile Fun Run, please visit to register today.
- You are now ready to send your e-mail.
You should have an e-mail in your Inbox from with a link to your fundraising page. Please ask your students to e-mail the fundraising page link along with the message above or the message that you create to their family members, neighbors, church, etc. Please also encourage your students to put the link on their Facebook page asking for support there. The e-mail you receive from Active will also provide you fundraising tips and different options for your fundraising page and sending it to potential contributors.
We would like to thank you and your club for participating in this contest and helping First Priority carry the love and message of Jesus Christ to students!