First Priority has an impact in communities all across Greater Birmingham and in over 250 schools. This is only possible because of the commitment to being a strategy and an extension of the local church. Among the schools where we have started a First Priority club this school year is Alabama School of Fine Arts (ASFA). What an incredible opportunity it is to share the Hope of Christ with some of Alabama’s most talented young artists, dancers and musicians.
Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send the workers into the field,” ~ Luke 10:2. The impact we are able to make would not be possible without the local church responding to God’s call. When we voiced the need for campus coaches at ASFA, the Lord sent us Josh Rutledge and Josh Tomasek.
One of “the Josh’s” as the students call them, Josh Rutledge, when asked what drew him in said, “ASFA is an incredible school with incredible students – students who are extraordinarily gifted and talented. So the call I felt was a call to help empower these particular students at this particular school because the challenges they face are different than at other schools, but their potential is immense. What I love about First Priority is that it opens the door for all of that.”
Would you be willing to respond in the same way? We have students all over our city that need your guidance, prayer and encouragement to reach their schools with the Hope of Christ. If you want to help, call 205.871.8886 or e-mail