This year, many local First Priority clubs went beyond the walls of their school to reach the hurting and lost. Clubs participated in various mission and outreach projects to serve the community, their school and the world for Christ. One school in particular, Corner Middle School, reached out and helped during one of the coldest seasons in Alabama.
During the month of February, Central Alabama experienced a cold blast pushing many homeless to shelters. Corner Middle School Teacher Sponsor Sandi Davis and her First Priority students donated grocery bags (to make sleeping mats), shoe boxes, toiletry items and canned food to help our homeless in Birmingham. Sandi and her students jumped into action with the local church to help provide for those in need.
“To me this was an awesome act of selflessness from students who really cared enough to do more than just talk about a problem; they did something about it,” said Sandi. “Faith in action meets needs.”
Other projects First Priority students participated in this school year to reach their campus, community and world for Christ:
– Raised money to provide meals for children in Leon, Nicaragua
– Provided gift baskets for grieving students and gift cards to students in need
– Made Christmas cards and stockings for local nursing home residents and those in the hospital
– Made encouragement cards for teachers
– Made fruit baskets for the school office staff
– Sponsored children in other countries through Compassion International
– Served breakfast to all teachers in the school
– Held canned-food drives to help local ministries
We are very proud of our students and their time and hard work to share the love of Christ with their school, community and world.