As First Priority clubs have been wrapping up for the school year, students are sharing about how First Priority has impacted their lives and what it has meant to them this year. The following are a few of the responses:
“How to stand up and share my faith in school.”
“It’s ok if you don’t have the answer to someone’s question. Look in your Bible or talk with your youth pastor for the answer and then get back with the student.”
“First Priority sets me back on track like church does.”
“It’s ok to be rejected.”
“Everyone here needs the love of Christ.”
“Don’t be afraid to share your testimony because there may be someone going through what you went through and can relate.”
“First Priority gives me the opportunity to share my faith on my school campus.”
“This year’s First Priority experience at Mortimer Jordan has been one of success. Leaders have been built, and students have been empowered and encouraged through the Word to live out and share this message of Hope, which is love and life through Jesus.”
“First Priority has had a powerful impact on my life, and I’ve had the privilege to serve as an officer for the past three years. I’ve seen this program grow so much since I first joined and I’ve seen many lives changed. This student-led ministry has such a wonderful effect on empowering students to share their faith with the students around them. First Priority is without a doubt the most important club in the school and often times we are the only way these kids hear the Gospel.”