It seems like every time I watch or read the news I see a report of a teen affected by bullying. So what is bullying? Where do kids learn this behavior that may surprise you? Finally, what can be the results for kids involved?
SIGNS – Bullying occurs when one person exerts their dominance over what they perceive to be weaker individuals. A bully likes to inflict emotional and/or physical pain upon their victims over and over again. Bullying occurs when the aggressor is more powerful than their victim. Bullies intimidate those who are too weak to defend themselves.
LOCALE – It may surprise you to know that oftentimes bullying starts in the home. That’s right. The very seeds of this destructive behavior are sown right where we live. Our kids can pick up bullying habits when they see one parent physically or verbally abuse the other parent. Even worse, many kids are themselves victims of this type behavior at home by an intimidating and over-controlling parent or a dominant sibling.
RESULTS – Scientific studies show that bullying victims were two to nine times more likely to report suicidal thoughts than other children were. But not just the victims were affected in this manner. Young-Shin Kim, M.D., assistant professor at Yale School of Medicine’s Child Study Center says that “The perpetrators who are the bullies also have an increased risk for suicidal behaviors.” Another serious consequence of bullying is school shootings and violence. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, revenge is the strongest motivation for school shootings. Eighty-seven percent of students said that shootings are motivated by a desire to “get back at those who have hurt them.” Sixty-one percent said students shoot others because they have been victims of physical abuse at home.
If you have kids these issues are startling, because your children are most likely bullying, being bullied, or witnessing bullying and having to choose the side of either the perpetrator or the victim. Talk to your kids about all of these issues and never allow them to be exposed to this serious problem at home.
Greg Davis
First Priority Greater Birmingham