We hope you and your students will join us for the reTHINK Student Conference!
Who’s waiting for your students? When they leave the relative safety of their homes, youth ministry or church, who is waiting for them at school, or the university? What contrary ideas will the culture throw their way? What challenges will confront their faith in Christ? How will they answer questions about the LGBT movement, Islam, the reliability of the Bible, evolution, etc.? Are they ready?
In Colossians 2:8, the apostle Paul warns us not to be taken captive by the false views of this world. Sadly, many of our Christian youth have been captured by the culture. Their ideas reflect the ideas of society. Their worldview is no different than that of their unbelieving friends. It’s time to help our students reTHINK.
The reTHINK Apologetics Student Conference exists to provoke a new generation to rethink their worldview, recapture the truth, and then reengage the world for the cause of Christ. This conference is designed for junior high, high school and college-aged students. It will be held Friday, April 21 – Saturday, April 22, 2017, at Briarwood Presbyterian Church, 2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, AL 35243. This is a great conference for families, youth groups, anyone! Register by April 20, and get the $35 rate! Price is $45 at the door. For more info, schedule, list of speakers and to register, click here. This is going to be such an incredible conference for your students, you don’t want to miss it!