At one of Moody High School’s First Priority Club Meetings this year, Campus Coach Brad Tollison asked students, “What keeps you from inviting people to First Priority and church?” Students answered with: fear, afraid of being rejected and ashamed.
Brad read from Mark 2 in the Bible about Jesus healing a paralyzed man. But, Brad focused on how the man got to Jesus. A large crowd from Capernaum gathered in a home to hear Jesus preach. It was so crowded that there was no room left, not even outside the door. There were four men bringing the paralyzed man to Jesus. Since the crowd was so large they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on and because of their faith Jesus healed the man.
“The four men were determined to get their friend to Jesus,” Brad said. “Why aren’t we just as determined to get our friends here to learn about Christ? What is stopping us? What are ways we can do this? We have influence in different areas like sports, scholar clubs, etc., so what is stopping us from reaching our friends with Christ?”
Brad’s challenge: “What are you going to do about it today?”