“But what do we mean by truth? If we, as Christians, cannot determine the answer to that question, all is lost, for the heart of our faith is the proclamation of the One who is not simply that way or the life, but the truth.”
– James White, Author of Christ Among the Dragons
There is a battle about truth raging in our culture today. There are some outside the church that say there is no ultimate truth. This is The Great Debate of this generation. The church’s responsibility is to defend this ultimate truth in a world full of doubt. But sadly, some are not ready or willing to do what must be done to win this debate. Many inside the church say we ought to give up proclaiming truth and focus on loving people relationally. Of course, we ought to love people. But let us not forget that even love rejoices with the truth (1 Cor. 13:6).
At Alive in the Mountains (AITM) we want to show your students a few key elements of this Great Debate about truth.
First, we want your students to see that Truth matters and people still care about it. No one likes to be fooled, mislead, or lied to. Truth matters.
Second, your students will walk away understanding the nature of Truth from a Biblical worldview. In a world whose motto is “true for you, but not true for me,” we will walk away with an understanding that Jesus is more than “the Way,” He is also “The Truth” (John 14:6).
Third, your students will walk away with the tools to think critically about this Great Debate. As Sean McDowell says: “Because of the Internet, people today are exposed to more non-biblical worldviews than at any other time in history. Rather than creating confidence in truth, the exposure to various ideologies has lead to skepticism. The positive side of skepticism is that it creates a culture of questions, which can open up conversations that lead to the discovery of truth. We must not just give people truth-we must also teach people how to recognize truth from error.”
At First Priority, it is our vision to see the hope of Christ in every student. Biblically, we see that this hope of Christ is grounded in truth. This truth is not an issue Christians can sidestep or ignore, for it is at the heart of our faith. At AITM we will bring that to the forefront with your students.
We hope you, your youth group and family will join us for this life-changing retreat. For more information and to register, visit www.aliveinthemountains.org.