On Wednesday, April 25, 2012, almost 800 students attended Undivided/First Priority at Hoover High School. Local Evangelist Scott Dawson shared the following message with students.
“Have you ever felt like no one cares about you,” asked Scott. “Jesus loves you, and He cares about you when you think no one else does.” Scott read John 3:16 ~ “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
“The word ‘world’ literally means you and me,” said Scott. “When Jesus says ‘I love you,’ He literally means He loves you.”
Scott shared a story about a pregnant lady who said she could prove that God didn’t exist. “This lady went out on her front lawn during a thunderstorm and told God to strike her and her baby dead. Twenty years later, her son was watching Billy Graham on TV, and went out and bought a Bible. He prayed to receive Christ that day. He finally felt like someone cared. Jesus knows what it’s like to be all alone; everyone turned their back on Him. Jesus didn’t carry His cross because He was guilty. He died on the cross because He loves you.”
Scott then continued with a question: “Has there been a life-changing event in your life?” He read Romans 10:13 ~ “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Scott said, “Jesus says, ‘follow me.’ Life is too short.”
Scott then led students in the sinner’s prayer. Once the prayer was over, students flooded the gym floor wanting to know more about Christ and what it meant to live for Him. We are excited to announce that 106 students made a decision for Christ that day. Praise the Lord!
“Today it gave me chills to see the number of students that came forward,” said Jamie, First Priority student leader. “You could definitely feel God’s presence in the room. I realize the need in our school for Jesus in the lives of students. First Priority is a great way to give students an easy way to hear the word of God.”
“I’ve been a leader for five years in First Priority and I feel like I need to share my faith with my peers and live out God’s will for my life,” said Anna Beth, student.
We are very encouraged by the number of students reaching out to their peers with the message of Jesus Christ. We are also ecstatic about the number of decisions for Christ at this club meeting. Please pray for these students as they are discipled and grow in their faith and walk with Christ.