Students at Brocks Gap Intermediate School are excited about First Priority and they are not afraid to share how much they love being able to meet together with other students to praise God openly at school and reach their friends with the love and message of Jesus Christ.
“I love First Priority because I can worship God at school,” said Celia, Brocks Gap Intermediate School student and First Priority club member.
Brocks Gap Intermediate School started First Priority this school-year because a passionate student for Christ named Timothy went to his principal asking for permission to start a club. Gaining the support of his principal, Teacher Sponsor Leanne Roe and Campus Coach Randy Norris, Brocks Gap Intermediate School held it’s first-ever First Priority club meeting in October 2011. The current attendance of approximately 80 students has more than doubled since the first club meeting.
The purpose of First Priority is accountability, challenge, testimony, outreach, and follow-up by connecting new believers to a local church. The plan is called ACTS Revolution: Accountability, Challenge, Testimony and Seek, which is a four-week plan that is designed to help Christian students be campus missionaries. This plan is a cycle; once a club has moved from week one through week four, the Revolution is repeated. Brocks Gap First Priority club implemented this Revolution plan and on Tuesday, February 28, 2012, the club experienced its first-ever Seek Week, which is the week when students are encouraged to invite un-churched, non-Christian friends to hear a clear gospel presentation. Students were very excited about inviting their friends to the meeting. Area Director Debi DeBoer shared the gospel and used real-life examples to describe the importance of faith and commitment. We are excited to announce that at Brocks Gap’s first-ever Seek Week, 10 students prayed to receive Christ for the first time! Praise the Lord! We are very excited to see how God is already moving in this school and how He will continue to work through students to reach their friends to bring glory to His name. It is evident that students are on fire for God and really want to see their lost friends come to know Him. Please be in prayer for these students as they are discipled and seek to grow closer to God.
Students left with five important points to share with their friends:
- God loves you;
- We’re all sinners;
- Christ died for you and me;
- We have a choice to make a commitment; and
- Have faith and accept Him.
“I love First Priority because we do fun activities involving Christ,” said Olivia, Brocks Gap Intermediate School student and First Priority club member.